Docker Image - exec user process caused "exec format error"

The Problem I built a Linux dev box docker image with some necessary run time environments such as go and python, but it didn't run and raised the error message exec user process caused "exec format error". The Cause I spent more than an hour finding the solution as nothing looked wrong for me. I have tried different docker image build options but no luck. After multiple attempts, I discovered the error message disappeared after I passed commands directly rather than using the in the Doc…

Build an Amazon Alexa Skills in 10 Minutes and Get Free Echo

Background This guide is going to show you how to build an Amazon Alexa Skills in 10 minutes by using python, aws and an information api. In addition, Amazon is currently running a promotion for giving out Echo for free. In summary: Publish your very first, new Alexa skill during the promotion period and earn an Amazon Echo Dot. Publish three new Alexa skills during the promotion period, where one of them is used by at least 75 unique users during the promotion period, and earn an Echo Show 5 v…